Figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure.
Republicans are becoming more conservative, which is making America skew more conservative - Baptist News & Gallup

Those nasty MAGA Repugs appear to be taking over, dominating the the conversation, beating up on the downtrodden left until of course; you begin to examine the particulars in the evolution of socio-political values:

The evolution of Western values

Economic Conservatism 

As the national debt has soared and inflation has eroded buying power, Americans have trended more economically conservative.  For many there is little choice.  Q? Have Republicans moved further right or has profligate spending moved Americans to conserve what money remains.

Social Sexual Conservatism

As Americans have watched the generational shift in the prominence of sexual perversion and  their children being devalued and converted to these lifestyles; Americans are becoming outraged.  Q? Did Republicans increasingly reject leftist government's promotion of lifestyles formerly recognized as mental illness or has the left actively promoted these divisive and destructive trends? 

Church Attendance Sinking Fast

     In the West, since at least the mid-twentieth century there has been a gradual decline in adherence to established Christianity.  In these pages we've cited many articles looking into reasons for the decline of Western Christianity. The process of this decline might be summarized under the headings of entropy, secularization and mission.
        Entropy or increasing randomness and disorder in churchianity is evidenced in the proliferation of hundreds of denominations in which there is little unifying doctrine or authority.  It's human nature to seek pleasure and avoid pain and: the great central doctrines of Reformed Protestant Christianity and  Roman Catholicism are/ were based on sacrifice and delayed gratification.  In the Western world of decadent plenty duty, responsibility and self denial sound like alien concepts.  Churches of convenience are the popular norm.   Thinking people understand the foolishness of mega prosperity churches and hip hop gospel shows but the lure of easy believism has always been stronger.  Even a confused Pope seemed to have dumped the idea of Hell in his new version of easy Catholicism: a watershed moment in the history of the church which goes perfectly with the great whore of American pop religion.    Q? Has a resurgence of  conservative Christianity divided the country or has leftist liberalism captured a wicked and perverse generation? 

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