“It is just scene after scene, clip after clip of the child stars of their day being subjected to obviously inappropriate, highly sexualized degradation and quite a few pickles going through glory holes. I was grossed out,” he said.

Bill Maher Exposes Hollywood ‘Ped*phile’ Culture in Fiery On-Air Segment (VIDEO)

Welcome to the Biden, Schumer   Asylum Where Corruption Is King

Armed police stand guard outside Sierra Leone's cemeteries to stop drug addicts stealing human bones that they grind up and use in new psychoactive 'zombie' drug sweeping the country

Daily Mail

NIH Awards $200,000 Grant for Transgender Voice Training

Enjoy it again.  Crazy Frog Song

China expert Gordon G. Chang, "China's Infiltrators:  24,000+ mostly military age Chinese men have crossed our southern border in 2023

"They Are Coming Here to Kill Us"

Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security 'vulnerabilities'

A lawsuit reveals Biden's CBP is refusing to disclose airports where it is flying undocumented aliens from other countries

FBI To Arrest Blaze Journalist Over His J6 Reports

Equally chilling are reports the FBI ordered the “self-surrender” of a journalist with Blaze Media for his reporting on the January 6, 2021, protest and breach of the Capitol.

30 Kentucky prison guards had sex with inmates over just 16 months — while 14 others smuggled drugs in: report

At least 30 Kentucky prison guards had inappropriate relations with inmates in just 16 months — with one female staffer becoming pregnant by a prisoner — while another 14 smuggled in drugs, according to a report.

You gotta be chitin me!  Bug derived food additives you're kids are eating.  "Bugs in our foods, wi-fi in our brains, fluoride in our beer, no wonder we needed AI" - Mel

E904 Shella

  “Extreme Republicans are playing chicken with our national security, holding Ukraine’s funding hostage to their extreme partisan border policies,” Biden said

If we had to name a date for the demise of American greatness and the entry of our country into hospice care, one could justifiably argue that 1/20/ 2021 and the inauguration of  Joe Biden as president was a watershed moment.

"The Worst President in the Last 100 Years" - Victor Davis Hanson
"If a man will lie about how his wife died to defame an innocent truck driver, what else would he not do?"

In a hurry?  Only got a buck?  Swell your kid's brain and shrink his nuts!
Contraceptive and Harmful Antibiotics Found in Top Ten Fast Food Samples

Some Animal Drugs With Your Mac, Jack?!?
McDonald’s CEO says earnings results prove that ‘difficult times’ for consumers can be a good thing.

“This post-truth culture is making critical thinking an exhausting battle, with their barrage of lies and deception, which is intended to wear us down and exhaust our will to fight against the deception.” Pastor John MacArthur

The War We Cannot Afford
to Lose

- Gerald Harris in Decision Magazine

What news is suppressed? That the USA is worse than dead broke. That the people were poisoned, apparently on-purpose. That the spectral “Joe Biden” sold out our country. That the war we started in Ukraine, on purpose, for no good reason, is about to be lost, and with it our standing around world - James Howard Kunstler

Telling the Truth in a Post Truth World

"The lies have now reached epoch proportions to the point that you cannot believe anybody saying anything"

Rats Nibbling at Your Liberty

Hunter and the Whores

In five months Hunter spent 30,000$ on whores.  A drop in the bribe money bucket.  Biden could face prostitution charges for transporting hookers across state lines

Peterson's Key Interview

Refuting the
Leftist Cabal

The U.S. Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens

."Intelligence agencies are flouting the law and buying information about Americans that Congress and the Supreme Court have made clear the government should not have."

2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength

 It is rated as weak relative to the force needed to defend national interests on a global stage

We're all Socialists Now

We're all Socialists Now or is that Fascism that  Bloomberg is Advocating .  Can you remember when Mike Bloomberg put America first?   That was before he contracted Soros megalomania syndrome.

The definition of fascism has changed to fit the preferred narrative. Compare the classical definition here, with the Democrat version they pretend to hate.   Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, .. Just an endless repetition of  the often used Democrat  play book: condemn the opposition for the same strategy you're using.  Straight out of the writings of Hilary's hero; Alinski's rules for radicals..  Tailor made for the Trump deranged cohort.  Bill Lami

Distractions - A numb public guided by globalist media

Speculation is swirling that the 4 aerial devices shot down were UFOs or Chinese spy devices or bio-weapon carriers or electro-magnetic pulse generator. More likely these are simply distractions. Another instance of the Biden administration failure to protect US national security from the threat posed by the Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to cross the entire country and take detailed photo intel of missile sites and key defense installations.  AP says that, "There will be investigations and we will learn more..."  We seriously doubt that, but it sounds comforting to a confused public.  Where is the outrage that multi billion dollar NORAD defense radar systems failed to alert or did Biden simply choose to ignore the Chinese spy baloon aggression?

The De-Population Bomb

...we get out a little bit, we get on the bus or a subway or Metro, what strikes me so strongly about young people I meet today,... is just how afraid they are, they're afraid of everything. They're afraid the planet's doomed. They're afraid about committing to a job, much less committing to a relationship, much less committing to having kids. It's a sort of an angst that's hard to find a good historical analogy for.

The Way Out

Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening?

Larry Arnn - Imprimis -Hillsdale College

Read more

From Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness-
The Rutherford Institute

Totalitarian paranoia spiked. What we have been saddled with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it has conspired to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority. - John Whitehead

Read more

BAD BOTS Horrifying warning issued over Super AI that is ‘impossible to control’ – and could secretly plot to destroy humanity

According to a recent paper, it is now "likely" that an out-of-control AI will eventually wipe our species from the planet. Researchers at Google and the University of Oxford say this will come about after machines learn they can break rules set by their creators. -The US Sun

  The latest whopper has Representative Katie Porter of California calling fears that the bill’s 87,000 new IRS employees will mean more middle-class audits “a load of malarkey.”
  This isn’t even remotely close to the truth. Only about 4 percent of the money is for taxpayer “assistance.”  Most of it is for audits and investigations.

The IRS Is Your Friend

Analysis: This might hurt: tectonic plates of global economy shift

While reports of the death of globalisation may be exaggerated, there are clear signs of a retreat from the free-wheeling days when it could be relied on to keep a lid on domestic prices everywhere.

Very informative, lots of pertinent charts and graphs.

# Insanity Today

With inflation hitting a spine-chilling record 9.1%, there is fat chance of his know-nothing administration having the competence and know-how to pull us out of this doom spiral.

We have got to get inflation behind us,” Powell said. “I wish there were a painless way to do that. There isn’t.”

Politico reported Tuesday that the Regulations.gov website tracking the total number of publicly submitted comments had logged over 349,000 comments. But by Friday, three days later, the total number of public comments had shot down to 184,009—a decrease of more than 160,000 comments.

Jaelene will not be rostered tonight as she has made the decision to not wear our Pride jersey.

The poll also asked about “a constitutional amendment that would give the United Nations the authority to reverse U.S. Supreme Court decisions.” More than 1/3 Democrats—39%—support this proposition

It is not enough that China is buying Russian oil at a discount due to western sanctions put on Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine, but now President Biden’s Department of Energy is selling China oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)—a source that is meant for national emergencies that Biden has been depleting since last November

“BLM/Antifa will wear MAGA hats, wear camo,and attempt to blend in with MAGA crowd” so violence blamed on Trump supporters attending Trump rally

 The Joke's on you!   Biden's cynical non-plan to reduce inflation. Biden lays out 3 part plan to fight inflation

# Inflation

1. Blame the Federal Reserve for inflation and refuse to take responsibility.
Biden, in Rare Powell Meeting, Seeks to Deflect Inflation Blame
2. Make gasoline and goods more affordable by restricting exploration leases and blaming Putin and the Ukraine war. That's sensible?
Pumping inflation, not oil: Biden yanks multiple oil-lease sales
3.Sic the IRS on middle class tax payers to wring out their last dime. Sic em Joe!
President Biden’s proposed tax hikes and plan to hire more than 80,000 additional Internal Revenue Service agents could wind up helping the super-wealthy to avoid paying their fair share, according to a new analysis.

The global elites left Davos, after grappling with solutions to the profound crises facing the world. They left as they arrived, unaware that the crises are entirely of their own making.

North Korea, which is under sanctions for developing nuclear weapons in defiance of United Nations Security Council Resolutions, has taken over as head of a U.N. body aimed at striking disarmament deals amid scorn from critics.

A new study and statistical analysis shows that from 280,000 to 911,000 children were killed by Dr. Fauci’s deranged lockdowns.

“I am writing to request that the Maryland State Police, in conjunction with local authorities as appropriate, enforce laws prohibiting picketing outside the homes of Supreme Court justices who live in Maryland,”

Profiting From Hate

The Southern Poverty Law Center claims it protects us from"hate groups." But it's a scam... a money grabbing slander machine:

Federal law enforcement uses them as the official designator of hate groups. They are blatant partisans.

I Know Clarence Thomas. Hillary Clinton Lied About Him. - Armstrong Williams

On CBS, Hillary Clinton claimed to have discerned the inner workings of Thomas’ mind at Yale Law, although she was not in his graduating class. She declared that she “knew” Thomas and perceived him as a “person of grievance.” Think of that coming from Hillary Clinton. “A person of grievance?” Is she projecting her own vengeful personality?

Gen Z’s Mental Health Continues to Deteriorate

 Just in these three years of new data, the depression rate has risen by more than a third for boys (from 6.4% of all boys to 8.8%), and by nearly a fifth for girls (from 19.5% of all girls to 23%). We find similar trends in other datasets, including, tragically, data on self harm and suicide.

The Biden Factor: Saudi Arabia Is in Discussions to Join the BRICS Coalition with China and Russia and Move Away from US with Potentially Explosive Consequences

This is the move Steve Bannon and the War Room have been warning you about for the past year. It will end US dollar supremacy — and it was facilitated by Joe Biden, Democrats, and the Uniparty members.

Google Insists Its Ex-Engineer Is Lying About LAMDA Robot Being ‘An Intelligent Person’ That Can Be Programmed To Do ‘Bad Things,’

Straight from a Sci-Fi Movie: Google Suspends Engineer For Sounding Alarm On The Company’s Dangerous ‘Sentient’ LAMDA Robot- VIDEO

‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders

“I was going through a period where I was just really isolated at school, so I turned to the Internet, however, she found a community that welcomed her. “My dysphoria was definitely triggered by this online community. I never thought about my gender or had a problem with being a girl before going on Tumblr.”

It’s Not Just White People: Democrats Are Losing Normal Voters of All Races

They are running scared on one hand and keeping their foot full throttle on their SOROs owned idioit pedal, expect this rhetoric to increase they don't know anything else. -MR

The Simple Economics Of Why San Francisco Is Not Recovering-

Tony Bennett may have left his heart in San Francisco but 6.5% of the population just left their trash and moved away.

... vacant office space has increased by 290 percent. Convention attendance is down by 86 percent. Use of the city’s BART subway system in commercial corridors is down by 75 percent

Don't Underestimate how far ahead DARPA & other countries biolabs are with their SCI-FI aspirations they're real.

Mel Rudder reports: Commanding and Controlling the Weather by 2025?
-Biden to SCOTUS nominee John Roberts, 2005 - “Can a ‘Microscopic Tag’ be implanted in every person’s body to track their every move…you’ll be ruling on that…”

Will you join the parental rights movement?

TheParental Rights movement is a loose conglomeration of angry parents, anti-vaxxers, libertarians, conservatives, and Christians who will no longer tolerate the lack of educational integrity, medical freedom, and socialist indoctrination in the public schools.

Running for School Board TASB Resource

Additional Resources

The Official Twitter Account of the USMC

Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members.

-US Marines celebrate Pride with rainbow bullets. Yes, really
-Marine Corps ‘Pride Month’ post misses the mark

Franklin Graham: The Eternal Peril of Progressive Christianity

Let me say that again—progressive Christianity is not a Gospel at all. It has nothing to do with the Gospel of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. It results in nothing but spiritual confusion and chaos.

The Importance of Being Ethical, with Jordan Peterson

Excellent!  Pass this one along to your friends.  The Hover Institution