Dear Captain America:
  How did the greatest nation in the history of the world take a wrong  turn and end up wandering the dumps of the world?


  If you want to live longer,
    Move to Switzerland or Japan

 Immigrants Legal and Illegal
Melting Pot or Seething Caldron ?!?

Number of immigrants and their share of the total U.S. population

Half of U.S. adults can’t read a book written at the 8th-grade level.

Top 10 U.S. Literacy Rate Statistics

21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022.
The cognitively elite: (12% of Americans) have what is now called Level 4/5 literacy. At Level 4, that means they can read and write at a proficient level.  If you write for these proficient readers, you’ll miss 88% of adults in the United States.

Killing the pain of a meaningless life.
Can you tell me a reason to keep living?

Albert Einstein on the purpose of life.
The Christian answer:
What is the purpose of life?