What if, you had a comprehensive HD quality video of your life, birth to death and beyond, complete with insight into your every thought and motivation? Scary thought? God has the movie in his infinite mind and, incredibly, He still loves you!
God,Time & Eternity
Orthodox Christianity has long celebrated what we think of as the three Omni's.
- Omnipotence, the understanding that God is all powerful. It's not so difficult to imagine that the being that created the universe wields such irresistible power. After all, puny men have 10,000 nuclear weapons with the power to destroy the entire Earth and given a few more centuries, we may find find a way to annihilate planets or trigger even bigger destructive power.
- Omniscience is God's attribute of having complete or total knowledge. Again, this attribute is not all that difficult for people to comprehend. We now have computers that contain the sum total of all recorded knowledge. Nearly every religion in every age credits their god with omniscience. Humans have an innate need to believe in a being that knows everything and acts accordingly.
- Omnipresence, present in all places at once and at all times. The desire of every man to be known and heard by a God who is there at any time and in any place is a fundamental key to our worship.
Christian theologians through the centuries, often indirectly, have referred to another key omni characteristic: God is Omnitemporal. This attribute of our father God has actually become better understood as modern science has come to understand some of the characteristics of time itself. Here we credit the creator of the universe and author of time with the ability to step between infinite eternity and what we perceive as the linear passage of our moments, hours, days and millennia . The profound truth we must explore here is how this attribute of God may influence our understanding of the most important doctrines of our faith. This essay is the best exploration of this topic that we've seen. Please don't be put off by the use of theological terms but try to open your mind. Well worth your time and study. -Ron